We all know how to fold paper airplane, but we all do not know how to make a paper airplane that flies desired way. In our childhood, we all have flew paper airplane! Haven't we? When I used to fly the paper air plane I always had a question in my mind that, Does paper airplane fly just because the paper is light and it has quite aerodynamic shape? Or the paper airplane we fly has almost same working principle and construction which plays major role flying the actual plane in the sky? In this article I will explain those basic principle of Aerodynamics which helps you understand how does a paper airplane fly.
In order to fly any plane, we need to produce lift force. which can be generated by The Airplane wings. The wings of the plane has such a special shape called Aero foil shape.
No. 1 Aerofoil shape

This shape of the wings helps producing pressure difference. When air passes through top and bottom of the wings, The velocity of the top of the wing gets much higher than velocity of the bottom of the wings. means low pressure on the top and high at the bottom, thus the higher pressure tend to move upward to bring the condition in equilibrium, but here the wings stays at 15° angle. This angle is called angle of attack.
so due to this angle, wings are leaving the higher velocity air downwards at an angle. this also creates upward force (According to Newton's third law) and helps create lift.
No.2 Newton's Third law

This leaving high velocity air in downward direction is called Down wash. I am hoping that now you have clear idea on how does airplane fly.
There are about 6 Million parts in a commercial airplane, just to let you know. Particularly in Boing 747-8. amongh all, the wings of the plane plays major role to keep the airplane flying.
If you have further queries /doubts or for more information, please click the link below to watch a video.
Now, Let us Compare The Construction of the Actual plane and paper airplane. see the image below to understand the major parts to maneuver the plane.
No. 3 Paper airplane No. 4 Actual Airplane

Here, the paper air plane has a design which combines the separate parts of airplane in one structure; such as The Fuselage, Rudder and vertical stabilizer. The paper plane has only one structure to that of a actual plane as shown with violet circle in Image 1. The green circles indicate horizontal stabilizer and elevator at the same time. Check the Paper Airplane wing with red circle. The plane has the Aero foil shape, which look alike in the real airplane wing. (Check image no.1) this shape helps create lift. The plane is not self powered and so we can call it glider rather than an Airplane. But if you attach a motor-propeller to a paper airplane, it's an airplane then.
Let's move to the next topic, remember when we used to fly the Paper plane, it never flew straight. Sometimes it turns left, right, just flies in circles or in any other direction. Now if you bend a paper from the green circle upward, the plane will turn vertically upward. It will fly in upward direction or you could say it will create lift. It is termed as pitching. Check out the animation below to understand it.
No. 5 Elevator manipulation to create lift

Now, To make a Yaw movement, means to make a left or right turn, you need to turn the vertical rudder which was indicated by violet circle in above image. So this is how you could achieve desired flight of the paper airplane.

No.6 Rudder Manipulation to turn the plane left and right
Now that you know how could you fix the paper airplane to make it fly in desired direction. you can make adjustments with those elements of the paper air plane and understand the way Aerodynamics works.
These are important points to remember while making a paper airplane.
Symmetrical shape
Longer wing span
perfection in folding the paper
above three elements plays major role, when you are making a paper airplane. There is a lot to cover and rest of it will be in part 2.
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References :
BLACKBURN, K., 2020.Paper Airplanes - Online Presentation. [online] En.ppt-online.org. Available at: <https://en.ppt-online.org/19973> [Accessed 18 June 2020].
Research center, G., 2020.Newton's Third Law Of Motion. [online] Grc.nasa.gov. Available at: <https://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/newton3.html#:~:text=His%20third%20law%20states%20that,opposite%20force%20on%20object%20A.> [Accessed 19 June 2020].
PAPER PLANE DEPOT. 2020.PAPER PLANE DEPOT - HOW TO MAKE PAPER AIRPLANES. [online] Available at: <http://paperplanedepot.com/> [Accessed 18 June 2020].