Sandwich! yeah you have heard it right. It was the name of the person rather than a food back then.
I am pretty sure this post will attract all the food lovers for sure. Well let me tell you the truth of how did the word sandwich started rolling as a food name.

John Montagu, 4th earl of sandwich was known as lord sandwich according to royal tradition. He was obsessed with cards (The game of cards). In 1762, One day the Card match was really interesting and he ignored his cook’s call for lunch, because he was really in to the game. But later when he really got hungry, he told his cook to bring whatever he cooked in between two piece of bread. He did not wanted to make his hands dirty while eating the food because he was still playing the game and eating at the same time. He played for about 24 hour continuously. The cook spread rumors about how he ate the food, since then, anything between two piece of bread is being called sandwich, based on Montagu’s name. It was the chef who promoted the name sandwich I would say. 😂

4th Earl Sandwich, John Montagu
For more info about John Montagu, please click the below link.

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